Thursday, July 8, 2010

Patrick, the Gay Black Janitor Man

There's this scam artist in our area whom I remember from my last hotel job. He always uses the same story:
"Hi, my name's Patrick. I'm the janitor at [any business next door]. I locked myself out, so I called the locksmith, and he wants 48 dollars, but I only got 43 dollars. Can you lend me $5 so I can pay the locksmith? I swear I'll be back tomorrow and pay you back." And he always ends with the final note that's designed to tug on white-guilt or straight-guilt or whatever: "I'm just a gay black man trying to make a livin'." I always tell him sorry there's nothing I can do, and he goes on his way. But a friend of mine gave him 8 bucks one time. Before my friend said anything else, I delivered the whole Patrick spiel and my friend was like, oh shit, I've been suckered.
So, I even remember this dude from my last hotel a half-mile away where he came by twice as the janitor for a hamburger joint and an Indian restaurant. WTF? The other night he comes into my new hotel, the security guard lets him in, and I'm like, "Patrick?" He didn't recognize me, I guess he does this stunt too much to remember faces. Anyways, Saint Patrick went on his way.

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